Rabu, 23 Juli 2014

DRONE - Pesawat Tanpa Awak

DRONE - Pesawat Tanpa Awak

Pesawat tanpa awak atau Pesawat nirawak (english = Unmanned Aerial Vehicle atau disingkat UAV), adalah sebuah mesin terbang yang berfungsi dengan kendali jarak jauh oleh pilot atau mampu mengendalikan dirinya sendiri, menggunakan hukum aerodinamika untuk mengangkat dirinya, bisa digunakan kembali dan mampu membawa muatan baik senjata maupun muatan lainnya . Penggunaan terbesar dari pesawat tanpa awak ini adalah dibidang militer. Rudal walaupun mempunyai kesamaan tapi tetap dianggap berbeda dengan pesawat tanpa awak karena rudal tidak bisa digunakan kembali dan rudal adalah senjata itu sendiri.


Pesawat tanpa awak memliki bentuk, ukuran, konfigurasi dan karakter yang bervariasi. Sejarah pesawat tanpa awak adalah Drone, pesawat tanpa awak yang digunakan sebagai sasaran tembak. Perkembangan kontrol otomatis membuat pesawat sasaran tembak yang sederhana mampu berubah menjadi pesawat tanpa awak yang kompleks dan rumit.
Kontrol pesawat tanpa awak ada dua variasi utama, variasi pertama yaitu dikontrol melalui pengendali jarak jauh dan variasi kedua adalah pesawat yang terbang secara mandiri berdasarkan program yang dimasukan kedalam pesawat sebelum terbang.
Saat ini, pesawat tanpa awak mampu melakukan misi pengintaian dan penyerangan. Walaupun banyak laporan mengatakan bahwa banyak serangan pesawat tanpa awak yang berhasil tetapi pesawat tanpa awak mempunyai reputasi untuk menyerang secara berlebihan atau menyerang target yang salah.
Pesawat tanpa awak juga semakin banyak digunakan untuk keperluan sipil (non militer) seperti pemadam kebakaran , keamanan non militer atau pemeriksaan jalur pemipaan. Pesawat tanpa awak sering melakukan tugas yang dianggap terlalu kotor dan terlalu berbahaya utnuk pesawat berawak.
Saat ini Pesawat Terbang Tanpa Awak (PTTA) telah diproduksi oleh industri dalam negeri antara lain : PT. Dirgantara Indonesia, PT. UAV Indo, PT. Globalindo Tekhnologi Service Indonesia, PT. RAI (Robo Aero Indonesia), PT. Aviator dan PT. Carita. Adapun PTTA hasil produk dalam negeri tersebut saat ini digunakan untuk kepentingan olah raga kedirgantaraan dan beberapa industi masih mengadakan pengembangan PTTA untuk kepentingan sasaran latihan Arhanud. Dengan adanya kemampuan berbagai industri dalam negeri dalam mengembangkan PTTA tersebut, merupakan potensi dan peluang yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk mengembangkan PTTA yang memiliki kemampuan sebagai pesawat pengintai/pemantau sasaran/obyek dari udara. Pengembangan PTTA tersebut dilakukan dengan melengkapi sebuah kamera dan hasilnya secara langsung dapat diamati pada layer Display di Ground Station.


Dalam sebuah perancangan Pesawat Terbang Tanpa Awak (PTTA), terlebih dahulu harus mendefinisikan misi penerbangan seperti apa yang akan dilakukan oleh pesawat tersebut. Hal ini harus dilakukan karena tidak ada satu jenis PTTA yang bisa melakukan semua misi yang ada dalam penerbangan. Pesawat Terbang Tanpa Awak dimaksudkan untuk mengemban misi pemantauan udara untuk melihat obyek yang diam atau bergerak diatas permukaan tanah. Misi tersebut dilakukan diwilayah dengan dukungan infrastruktur yang minim seperti daerah hutan, pegunungan, rawa dan lain-lain. Dengan misi tersebut, maka PTTA harus merupakan gabungan karakter antara tipe pesawat sport, trainer dan pesawat trainer glider, yaitu berkecepatan rendah, sangat stabil, dapat melayang dan mudah dikendalikan. Agar dapat melakukan pemantauan dengan seksama maka PTTA harus memiliki tinggi terbang 200 m, kecepatan terbang 60 km/jam dan lama terbang 60 menit.
Agar dapat dimobilisasi/demobilisasi dengan mudah maka pesawat tersebut harus praktis, portable dan agar dioperasikan secara “Take off hand launched” maka bobot dari pesawat harus ringan agar dapat diluncurkan dengan menggunakan tangan, sehingga berat pesawat harus lebih kecil dari 6 kg. Sementara itu, pada bagian Airframe/Fuslage PTTA terdapat berbagai instrument, untuk itu perlu lift yang besar dari pesawat, untuk memperoleh lift yang besar maka sayap harus luas, menggunakan wing aerofoil Un simetris dengan letak letak sayap berada diatas airframe dan menggunakan engine power yang tidak terlalu besar. Disamping onstrimen yang terdapat dalam pesawat, PTTA dilengkapi video camera system dengan karakteristik sebagai berikut :
  • Resolusi : minimum sama dengan reolusi TV yaitu 420 lines
  • Berat : tidak lebih dari 500 gr
  • Volume : tidal lebih dari 350 cm3
  • Telemetry : Line of Sight (LOS) dengan frekuensi yang aman


Dari http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pesawat_tanpa_awak

What are drones?

This article, written by Chris Cole and Jim Wright, was originally published in Peace News in January 2010
What are Drones?

Reaper drone firing missile

Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVS), also known as drones, are aircraft either controlled by ‘pilots’ from the ground or increasingly, autonomously following a pre-programmed mission. (While there are dozens of different types of drones, they basically fall into two categories: those that are used for reconnaissance and surveillance purposes and those that are armed with missiles and bombs. The
use of drones has grown quickly in recent years because unlike manned aircraft they can stay aloft for many hours (Zephyr a British drone under development has just broken the world record by flying for over 82 hours nonstop); they are much cheaper than military aircraft and they are flown remotely so there is no danger to the flight crew.
While the British and US Reaper and Predator drones are physically in Afghanistan and Iraq, control is via satellite from Nellis and Creech USAF base outside Las Vegas, Nevada. Ground crews launch drones from the conflict zone, then operation is handed over to controllers at video screens in specially designed trailers in the Nevada desert. One person ‘flies’ the drone, another operates and monitors the cameras and sensors, while a third person is in contact with the “customers”, ground troops and commanders in the war zone. While armed drones were first used in the Balkans war, their use has dramatically escalated in Afghanistan, Iraq and in the CIA’s undeclared war in Pakistan.
The Only Game in Town
The US has two separate ‘squadron’ of armed drones – one run by the US Air Force and one run by the CIA. Using drones, the USAF Air Force has increased the number of combat air patrols it can fly by 600 percent over the past six years; indeed at any time there are at least 36 American armed UAVS over Afghanistan and Iraq. It plans to increase this number to 50 by 2011. CIA Director Leon Panetta has recently said that drones are “the only game in town.” The CIA have been using drones in Pakistan and other countries to assassinate “terrorist leaders.” While this programme was initiated by the Bush Administration, it has increased under Obama and there have been 41 known drone strikes in Pakistan since Obama became President. Analysis by an American think tank The Brookings Institution on drone attacks in Pakistan has shown that for every militant leader killed, 10 civilians also have died.
Drones UK
The UK has several different types of armed and surveillance drones in Iraq and Afghanistan and others in the production or development stage. The UK began using armed drones in Afghanistan in Oct 2007 after purchasing three Reapers from General Atomics in 2007 at a cost of £6m each. The MoD confirmed in June 2008 that a British Reaper UAV had fired its weapons for the first time, but refused to give any details. In March 2009, the Daily Telegraph reported that British drones had been used ten times in armed strikes.
As well as armed drones, the UK has several types of surveillance drones, most notably Watchkeeper, a drone jointly produced by Israeli company Ebit and Thales UK. The UK is purchasing 54 Watchkeeper drones and ground stations at a cost of £860m. The first ten will be built in Israel and then production will transfer to a specially built facility in Leicester. Testing is taking place at Aberporth in Wales and Watchkeeper is due to enter service in 2010. There have recently been reports that Watchkeeper may be armed in the future.
Serious Concern
Thes UN’s Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, Philip Alston, has said that the use of drones is not combat as much as ‘targeted killing’. He has repeatedly tried to get the US to explain how they justifies the use of drones to target and kill individuals under international law. The US has so far refused to do so. In a report to the UN he has said the US government (and by implication the UK government) “should specify the bases for decisions to kill rather than capture particular individuals …. and should make public the number of civilians killed as a result of drone attacks, and the measures in place to prevent such casualties”.
A further question is the extent to which operators become trigger happy with remote controlled armaments, situated as they are in complete safety, distant from the conflict zone. Keith Shurtleff, an army chaplain and ethics instructor at Fort Jackson, South Carolina worries “that as war becomes safer and easier, as soldiers are removed from the horrors of war and see the enemy not as humans but as blips on a screen, there is very real danger of losing the deterrent that such horrors provide.”
Increased Surveillance
Military drone manufacturers are looking for civilian uses for remote sensing drones to expand their markets and this includes the use of drones for domestic surveillance. Drones will no doubt make possible the dramatic expansion of the surveillance state. With the convergence of other technologies it may even make possible machine recognition of faces, behaviours, and the monitoring of individual conversations. The sky, so to speak, is the limit.

From http://dronewars.net/aboutdrone/

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