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Tampilkan postingan dengan label Radio Komunikasi 2 meter. Tampilkan semua postingan

Kamis, 20 Juni 2013


Pada tahun 1980 sd 1990.. adalah masa2 kejayaan dari radio  vhf atau uhf.
Dengan terbatasnya jarak jangkau, membuat pengguna merasa tertantang untuk meningkatkan jarak jangkau radio pada band VHF / UHF tsb.
Maka dibuat berbagai macam bentuk,jenis directional antenna ,sebut saja seperti Multi Beam, ZL, delta Loop, qubical quad dll.
Agar jaraknya lebih jauh lagi yagi antenna tsb dibuat puluhan element, kemudian ditenggerkan pada tower hingga pada ketinggian 30 meter, ditambah rotator antenna, booster dll.
Kemudian dibangun pula station repeater,serta berbagai macam assesories  lainnya  yang harganya jutaan rupiah demi untuk mendapat kepuasan pengguna radio.
Namun tetap saja jangkauan tsb tidak terlalu jauh , terjauh pun hanya sekitar 100 km ..
Untuk menambah jangkauan repeater tsb, repeater diberi tambahan link, untuk mencover P Jawa hingga ke Bali, hamper ditiap kota besar di buatkan repeater ditambahkan link unitnya.
Dengan repeater plus link ini ,memang dapat mengatasi jarak jangkau  walau banyak sekali halangannya sepert delay yang lama belum lagi bila salah  satu radio link rusak ,  maka terputus pula komunikasi tsb,
Adalah teman2 dari Orari yang terus menerus tanpa lelah mengadakan percobaan2 khususnya di bidang komunikasi radio.
Untuk komunikasi radio jarak jauh semisal antar pulau, pernah pula penulis menggandeng radio VHF untuk kemudian di link ke SSB, memang hasilnya cukup baik, namun terlalu banyak kendala yang dihadapi , ssb sangat tergantung dengan cuaca dan waktu, sehingga belumlah effektif menggunakan cross band repeater VHF to HF..
Sejak 2-3 tahun yang lalu telah muncul dan mulai populer radio yang digabungkan dengan jaringan internet.
Dahulu dikenal istilah VOiP  ( Voice over internet protocol ) maka istilah yang menggandengkan radio ke internet di istilahkan  “ ROiP ” ( Radio Over Internet Protocol)
Apakah RoIP itu ?
RoIP adalah singkatan dari “ Radio Over Internet Protocol “ dimana penyampaian informasi yang berasal dari radio komunikasi ( two way radio) disebar luaskan melalui jaringan internet..
Roip adalah teknologi yang merubah informasi audio analog menjadi data dalam bentuk digital yang kemudian disisipkan ke jarring internet , lan, wan.
Analog audio tsb di rubah (encoding) dengan sinyal standar code spt G 711, atau G 723 dll.
Data digital ini kemudian dikirim ke UDP (User Datagram Protokol ) atauTCP ( Transfer Conection Protocol ) atau transport layer protokol sejenis untuk dikirimkan ke IP Network istilah ini lazim disebut TCP/IP
Pada sisi penerima, radio penerima merubah sinyal yang diterimanya di kembali kan ke bentuk sinyal audio analog.
Perlengkapan untuk ROiP :
1. Handytransceiver
2. Base station sbg transceiver
3. Interface / ROiP Gateway
4. Power supply
5. Antenna sbg penerima dan memancar.
6. Saluran transmisi ( coaxial cable)
7. Jaringan internet dg bandwidth yg kecil. ( min up load 20 KB )
RoIP menyatukan jaringan komunikasi dengan mudah.
Jaringan radio ditempat berbeda bahkan dengan band frequency berbeda dapat dipadukan menjadi suatu sistem jaringan komunikasi yang terpadu
Roip dapat mendukung sistem komunikasi suara live hingga 30 wilayah secara bersamaan.
Roip bekerja dengan standar jaringan LAN/WAN .
Roip dapat dipadukan pada radio mobile, atau HT yang memiliki fasilitas PTT,COR,Audio out/in
Roip dirancang untuk bekerja pada lingkungan kerja yang sulit serta tdk dibutuhkan computer di lapangan
Kwalitas audio yang jernih ( syarat bandwidth / kecepatan min 20 KB utk up load terpenuhi )

Bagaimana cara kerja RoIP ?

Aplikasi lain dari RoIP

Menambah jangkauan radio ditempat yang sulit (blind spot) spt gedung2
Menggabungkan sistem radio komunikasi untuk keadaan gawat darurat,kepolisian,ambulance ,sar dll.
Menghubungkan repeater bergerak untuk pengawalan presiden,yang menggunakan jarigan 3G atu Visat.

Yang sering terjadi Dilapangan
Terbatasnya Jarak jangkau dari ht menuju radio gateway :
Mengatasinya dengan menggunakan antenna yang baik cocok dengan frequncy kerja (match)
Menambah ketinggian antenna penerima sehingga jarak penerimaan serta pancaran akan bertambah luas, namun dengan memeperhatikan kondisi2 spt : gunakan radio yang baik, dalam artian radio tsb harus sensitif serta mempunyai selektifitas yang baik pula, radio jenis ini biasanya tidak dimiliki oleh radio type amateur , kebanyakan radio jenis ini , bila ditinggikan antennanya maka akan gangguan penerimaan akan bertambah , spt splatter,dan noise2 lainnya.
Hal ini dapat diatasi dengan menambahkan sebuah filter.
Atau kita dapat menggunakan radio type komersil ( commercial type) radio jenis ini memilik bandwidth yang tdk terlalu lebar,sehingga filtering nya jauh lebih baik
Menambah jarak jangkauan dapat juga dengan menambahkan sebuah repeater sehingga jarak jangkau nya bertambah sesuai coverage area repeater tsb.
Membagi area penerimaan jadi beberapa area.
Kita dapt menambahkan beberapa penerima gateway ditiap wilayah yang akan kita tentukan..
Misalkan untuk wilayah jakarta,tentunya kita tidak mungkin membuat satu bh gateway saja maka agar dapat mendapat cakupan yang luas, maka kita harus membagi kota tsb spt : jakarta selatan, jakarta pusat, jakarta utara,jakarta barat dan timur dsb.
Nah radio gateway kita tempatkan ditiap wilayah tsb. Seihingga bila ada ht atau radio yang bergerak, dapat berpindah dengan memilih frequency radio gateway terdekat agar mendapatkan signal pancar ataupun terima yang baik.
Kelemahan sistim ini, adalah kita harus menggunakan lebih dari satu kanal frequency , serta kita harus memiutar kanal frekwensi sesuai dengan frekwensi kerja wilayah tsb.
Peralatan yang digunakan :
HT sebagai radio yang bergerak.

Radio base station sebagai stasiun tetap

RoIP Interface gateway.

1 station lengkap.

Blok diagram lengkap radio komuniksai  melalui  internet

Pada blok diagaram diatas diibaratkan  kita memiliki beberapa lokasi yang ingin dapat dikoneksikan.
Masing 2 Perlengkapan  yang harus disiapkan : Bandung , Pekanbaru, Surabaya  sbb :
1.sebuah radio base station ( transceiver) yang berfungsi sebagai penerima dan
memancar   kembali.
2. Radio Gateway ( ROIP INTERFACE )
3. Handytransceiver  di area yang akan   dicover oleh radio tsb
4. Antenna base station.
5.saluran transmisi, pwr supply dan lalinnya.
Contoh Alur Kerja  Panggilan : misalkan  dari Bandung ke Surabaya.
Bandung memanggil dengan menekan PTT HT di  Bandung area, pancarannya diterima oleh radio base st Bandung,. Segala informasi yang dalam bentuk audio analog akan di masuukkan ke ROIP Interface, yang selanjutnya akan di ubah dlm bentuk digital serta diberi code tertentu.
Selanjutnya informasi digital ini akan di sisipkan ke jaringan internet untuk disebarkan luaskan.
Sinyal informasi ini hanya akan dapat diterima oleh radio yang berkode sama dalam networknya..
Dengan kata lain Sinyal informasi ini tak dapat didengar oleh radio lain yang mungkin pula ada dalam jaringan bila kode tdk disamakan..
Radio Dengan code yang sama akan mengambil sinyal digital ini untuk kemudian di ubah kembali ke bentuk analog lalu sinyal tsb diolah oleh radio kebentuk audio  yang selanjutnya dipancarkan oleh base station Pekanbaru dan Surabaya shg informasi  (  dari Bandung  )    dapat didengar  di radio HT Pekanbaru  / Surabaya ..
Proses ini akan terulang secara kebalikan bila panggilan datang dari wilayah Surabaya ataupun dari Pekanbaru..
Bila ada daerah yang blank spot, sedangkan komunikasi ingin mencapai daerah tersebut, maka hal ini dapat dipecahkan dengan cara :
1.       Menambah 1 station gateway.. namun dengan syarat ada fasilitas internet
Bagaimana bila tidak tersedia fasilitas internet missal : bila stasiunnya bergerak ( mobile).
Maka hal ini dapat diatasi dengan menambahkan sebuah repeater  ke  wilayah blank spot  tsb ( out of area)..
ALUR KERJA PANGGILAN ROIP VIA REPEATER :  Pangilan dari Ht atau mobile station  masuk ke repeater..
Komunikasi ini spt komunikasi biasa menggunakan repeater, hanya sekarang pancaran repeater diterima oleh base station yang mana pancaran ini diambil informasinya untuk diubah dan di sisipkan ke jaringan internet.
Saran : Karena menggunakan repeater, maka kemungkinan seluruh  informasi /pembicaraan dapat didengar oleh pihak lain, sehingga dianjurkan untuk menggunakan scramble , namun ini akan menambah biaya pengadaan..
Sejujurnya kamipun belum pernah mencoba  radio yang berscrambler digunakan / untuk jaringan ini, shg blm dapat memberikan penilaian apakah adakah penurunan kwalitas audio atau bahkan tdk dapat dilakukan sama sekali.
Tetapi bila ditinjau secara umum, seharusnya proses dapat berjalan sama menggingat keluaran dari base station telah di descramble terlebih dahulu oleh radio penerima ( base station )
Perbandingan  penggunaan  : ROiP dengan SSB.

ROIP                                                                                                                      SSB
Hasil suara sangat bersih,tdk terganggu cuaca Suara kurang bersih,terganggu cuaca
Jangkauan tdk terbatas Jangkauan  tdk terbatas tergantung  antenna
Mahal Lebih murah dan lebih sederhana
Dapat digunakan selama 24 jam Hanya jam2 tertentu dan pada frequency tertentu
Tergantung dari kwalitas stabilitas internet Dapat berdiri sendiri
Untuk jarak jauh ada delay 1-2 detik Tidak ada delay
Perlu latihan cara berkomunikasi dg procedure yang terstandarkan agar komunikasi tdk tumpang tindih,terutama yang blm pernah.

Sumber: http://rielmotorola.wordpress.com/

Kamis, 23 Mei 2013

Sekilas Info Radio Komunikasi 2 meter yang Populer

Beberapa model radio komunikasi VHF yang populer saat ini :
ICOM IC-2300H VHF Mobile Two Way Radio
So Many Features
*Stable 65W of output
*Similar user interface retained from the IC-2200H
*Proven durability – Tested to the latest MIL-STD-810 G Specifications
*207 Alpha-Numeric memory channels
*Built-in CTCSS and DTCS encoder/decoder

Stable 65W of output power
The IC-2300H can generate 65W of output power. The rugged aluminum diecast chassis provides effective heat dissipation and keeps RF output even during high duty cycle continuous transmission. Output power is selectable in 4-steps (65/25/10/5W).

Selectable LCD backlight color
The IC-2300H has a 70.6×20 mm LCD display with 6 large alphanumeric characters offering a good viewing angle suitable for mobile operation.
backlight color of the display is selectable from amber and green for your visual enjoyment. 

A total of 207 memory channels
The IC-2300H has a total of 207 memory channels, including 200 regular channels, 6 scan edges and 1 call channel. The channel name is programmable with 6 characters for easy recognition. 

Built-in CTCSS and DTCS encoder/decoder
The CTCSS and DTCS tones are built-in for quiet stand-by and repeater access. The tone scan function detects the sub-audible tone that is used for repeater access. The pocket beep function gives you an audible and visual indicator of an incoming call. 

Multiple scan functions
*Full scan
*Programmed scan
*Memory scan
*Bank scan
*Bank link scan (DMS)
*Skip scan
*Priority scan
*Tone scan

Other features
*Power supply voltage display
*4.5W (typical) loud audio
*Reduced depth dimensions
*DTMF autodial
*Time-out timer
*Repeater lockout
*Automatic power off
*S-meter squelch
*Wide/narrow channel setting
*Volume up/down function added to the remote control microphone, HM-133V
*Weather channel receive and weather alert function
*Automatic repeater function
*Selectable squelch delay from short and long
*Squelch attenuator reduces suppression from string signals
*PC to transceiver cloning and transceiver to transceiver cloning capability

ICOM IC-V8000 75 Watts VHF Mobile Two Way Radio 
ICOM IC-V8000 75 Watts
75W of output power
The combination of Icom’s one piece, die-cast aluminum chassis and 75W of transmit power gives you the most powerful 2m mobile transceiver in its class! Your communications will get through.

HM-133V, remote control microphone
The backlit HM-133V, gives you control of your IC-V8000 in the palm of your hand. The Icom exclusive “Hot keys” (F1/F2) memorize the transceiver full settings. As if switching between two separate radios, all operating frequencies, tone settings as well as the display color, fan speed, and set mode settings are memorized.

Dynamic Memory Scan (DMS)
With 200 alphanumeric memory channels, Icom’s exclusive DMS system gives you flexibility over your scanning lists never offered before in a 2m mobile, fully customizable into 10 banks.

CTCSS and DTCS operation standard
50 CTCSS and 104×2 DTCS encode/decode plus tone scan functions for various communication applications. The “pocket beep” feature gives you an audible and visual indicator of an incoming call. 

Weather Alert Scan
An amateur radio first, the IC-V8000 features a weather alert function to keep you on top of any weather emergencies. With a weather radio mode or weather alert, you are ready for quick response.

Easy Operation
The perfect solution for mobile operation, the ICV8000 has a front firing speaker providing crisp and clear audio. Along with a 6 character alphanumeric display, it offers quick reference of user-defined memory channel information.

Standard DTMF encoder and optional decoder
10 DTMF memory channels with up to 24-digit DTMF codes can be used to control other equipment. The optional UT-108 DTMF decoder provides code squelch and pager functions.

And more…
FM narrow mode switchable
Selectable squelch delay
10dB squelch attenuator
Cloning capability from PC or between radios No. of memory channels: 207 (including 6 scan edges, and 1 call channel)
Operating temperature range: -10°C to +60°C; +14°F to +140°F
Frequency stability: ±10 ppm (-10°C to +60°C)
Power supply requirement: 13.8 V DC ±15% (negative ground)
Current drain:
Tx High (at 75W) 15A
Rx Max. audio 1.0A
Standby 0.3A typical (Fan-OFF)
Antenna connector: SO-239 (50 ohm)
Dimensions: (projections not included)
150(W) × 50(H) × 150(D) mm;
529/32(W) × 131/32(H) × 529/32(D) in
Weight: 1.09 kg; 2.2 lb 

Output power (continuously adjustable) 75, 25, 10, 5 W selectable
Maximum frequency
deviation: (wide/narrow) ±5.0/±2.5kHz
Spurious emission: Less than -60 dB
Microphone connecto:r 8-pin modular (600 ohm)

Receive system: Double-conversion superheterodyne system
Intermediate frequencies:
1st 21.7 MHz
2nd 450 kHz
Receive Sensitivity: 0.15 µV (at 12dB SINAD)
Selectivity: (wide/narrow)
More than 6/3kHz at -6dB
Less than 14/9 kHz at -60 dB
Spurious and image rejection ratio: 75dB typical
Intermodulation rejection: 75dB typical
Audio output power: (at 13.8 V DC) More than 2.0W at 10% distortion with an 8 ohm load
Ext SP connector: 3-connector 3.5 (d) mm (1/8″)/8 ohm
  • High power 65W output
  • Weather Alert
  • U.S. MIL-STD 810 C/D/E/F
  • High quality front speaker
  • 200 memory channels (or 100 when used with names), plus one call channel
  • 6 alphanumeric characters offers 100 memory channels
  • Multiple scan functions
  • Also, the front panel and microphone keypads are both illuminated for ease of use.
  • Built in continuous CTCSS and DCS rejects unwanted signals.
  • The menu allows for easy control and selection of various functions.
  • High frequency stability with built-in TCXO
  • The TM-281A is Narrow band FM ready.
  • The TM-281A comes with illuminated DTMF hand mic, PG-2N power cord and mounting bracket.
  • The MCP-1A PC Memory Control Software will be available as a free download at www.kenwood.net. Watch for more details soon! 
YAESU FT-1900R VHF Mobile 55 W
55 Watts of Power Output
The FT-1900R provides a hefty 55 Watts of power otput, with “low power” settings of 25, 10, and 5 Watts, for situations where full power is not required.

Large LCD Display
The large 6 digit backlit LCD on the FT-1900R ensure ecellent visibility

Loud Audio with Internal Speaker
The FT-1900R packs 3W BIG watts of Loud Audo with its own Internal Speaker for those noisy environments.

Extended Receiver Coverage
The FT-1900R provides receiver coverage of 136-174 MHz, so you can listen in on a wide variety of commercial, military, public safety, and marine communications.

Illuminated Microphone with Keyboard Frequency Entry
The supplied MH-48a6j DTMF Microphone is illuminated for eas of nighttime use, and you may enter operating frequencies directly from the keypad. What’s more, memory channels may also be recalled directly via the keypad.

200 Memory channels with Alpha-numeric Labeling
The FT-1900′s extensive memory system includes 200 regular memories, ten pairs of band-limit memories, 8 memory banks,and a one-touch “Home” channel. Memory channels store repeater offset information, as well as CTCSS or DCS data, and can have a six-character label appended, for quick channel recognition. And the memories may be allocated into as many as eight memory banks, for more efficient scanning.

Dedicated 10-channel NOAA Weather Broadcast Channel Bank (U.S. version)
Included in the FT-1900r is a dedicated, quick-access memory bank that contains the ten standard NOAA Weather Information Channels, so you can keep track of weather conditions expected for your area.

Four user-programmable “soft” keys are provided on the MH-48a6j microphone, allowing you to bring often-used Menu items, or front panel key functions, to your fingertips.

Built-in CTCSS and DCS Encoder/Decoder Circuits
The FT-1900R includes both CTCSS and DCS Encoder/Decoder circuitry, with Reverse CTCSS Decoding also available, to mute your receiver when a particular tone is received (instead of opening your squelch). And you can encode CTCSS and decode DCS, or vice versa, too, if your application requires it.

Adjustable Mic Gain and Wide/Narrow Deviation and RX Bandwidth
The microphone gain for the FT-1900R’s transmitter is adjustable, so you can optimize it for your voice level as well as background noise in your operating location. And for operation in crowded channel environments, the TX deviation and RX bandwidth may both be reduced via the Menu.

Automatic Repeater Shift (ARS), Automatic Power-Off (APO), and BCLO (Busy Channel Lock-Out)
ARS: Automatically selects the typical repeater shift used in your country, based on the current operating frequency.
APO: Automatically turns power off after a user-defined time period, to prevent you from running down your car battery if you forget to turn your rig off.
BCLO: Prevents you from transmitting on an occupied frequency (especially valuable during Tone Squelch or DCS operation).

CW Trainer
You can practice your Morse Code recognition, using this novel trainer that sends you five-character code groups, with variable speed and instant feedback as to the correct characters sent to you.

Security Password to Prevent Unauthorized Use
A defeatable (by the owner) Security Password system is provided for the FT-1900R, so you can limit operational access to yourself and any other users (if any) informed of the password for the transceiver.

Easy Access to YAESU’s Renowned WiRES-II™ Internet Linking Nodes
A front panel key provides instant access to WiRES-II nodes. More information about WiRES, Yaesu’s exciting and fun way to communicate via Amateur Radio AND the Internet, may be found at the WiRES-II Web site: http://www.vxstd.com/en/wiresinfo-en.

YAESU FT-2900R VHF Mobile 75 W
75 Watts Power Output
75 Watts of Solid RF Power with No Cooling Fan Needed! Four selectable power output levels are provided: 75/25/10/5 Watts. The power selection may be stored into memory, allowing you to conserve power while using strong local repeaters.

Large LCD Display
The large 6 digit backlit LCD on the FT-2900R ensure ecellent visibility

Loud Audio with Internal Speaker
The FT-2900R packs 3W BIG watts of Loud Audo with its own Internal Speaker for those noisy environments.

Excellent Receiver Performance
The FT-2900R’s receiver front end features Yaesu’s renowned Advanced Track Tuning RF input filtering, which affords outstanding protection from
Intermodulation distortion.

CTCSS and DCS Encode/Decode Built In
For easy repeater access, or silent monitoring of busy channels, both CTCSS and DCS (Digital Code Squelch) Encoder/Decoder circuits are built in. CTCSS and DCS configuration data may be stored independently in each memory channel. A “Split Tone” mode also allows operation on systems where CTCSS and DCS are used separately on the repeater uplink/downlink.

Extensive Memory System
The FT-2900R provides a total of 221 memory channels, including 200 “regular” memories, ten pairs of band-limit memories, and an instant-recall “Home” channel you can dedicate to a frequently-used repeater or simplex frequency. Memories can store repeater shift information, CTCSS/DCS data, power output level, scanning status (“Skip”), and Alpha-Numeric labels.

Alpha-Numeric Channel Display
Memory channels may be displayed either with the channel frequency or a personalized Alpha-Numeric label, for easy channel recognition. Up to six letters, characters, or numbers may be used for labeling channels.

WIRES Internet Linking Access Feature
The FT-2900R includes a conveniently-located “Internet” key, for quick access to Internet-linked repeater systems. Internet repeater linking allows you to use your FT-2900R to talk to other Amateurs throughout the world, with outstanding voice signal quality. The “Internet” key may be configured to send either a single DTMF digit, or a DTMF string, for operation on a WIRES™ (Wide-Coverage Internet Repeater Enhancement System) repeater, or on other Internet-linked repeaters using DTMF tone access. For more information on WIRES™, please visit Yaesu Web site (www.yaesu.com), or send an e-mail to WIRES@vxstdusa.com.

WX Channels
A special 10-channel Weather Band memory bank is provided in the U.S. version, allowing quick access to NOAA weather broadcasts. When the 1050-Hz “Severe Weather” alert tone is transmitted, the FT-2900R may be configured to emit an alarm tone to get your attention quickly. With the “Weather Alert” feature enabled, the FT-2900R will scan the ten Weather memories, stopping only if the 1050-Hz tone is received.
MH-48A6J DTMF Direct Access Microphone
The backlit MH-48A6J microphone allows direct keypad frequency entry, or keypad memory channel recall. On transmit, the MH-48A6J allows manual entry of DTMF tones for autopatch use, and the FT-2900R also includes a nine-memory, 16-digit DTMF Autodialer. Four user-programmable “soft” keys on the microphone may be programmed for easy control of a number of different features, and the [A]/[B]/[C]/[D] keys replicate the functions of the keys on the front panel of the transceiver, for maximum convenience while driving.

Frontiers are not for the weak. It takes a rugged vehicle to meet the challenges of the wilderness, and Kenwood’s new TM-271A is tough. This compact, MIL-STD-compliant transceiver deliver powerful mobile performance and such advanced features as multiple scan functions and memory names, as well as NOAA Weather Band & emergency alert reception. On or off the road you can always enjoy the sophistication of high-quality audio. Illuminated keys and a large LCD with adjustable green backlighting for easy operation day or night help make the TM-271A the ideal companion for all your travels.
  • High power 60W output
  • Weather Alert
  • U.S. MIL-STD 810 C/D/E/F
  • High quality front speaker
  • 200 memory channels, plus one call channel
  • 6 alphanumeric characters offers 100 memory channels
  • Multiple scan functions
  • CTCSS & DCS Encoder/Decoder
  • High frequency stability with built-in TCXO 
ICOM IC-2200H VHF Mobile Two Way Radio 
65W of output power
A MOS-FET power amplifier provides 65W of stable output power. A one piece, aluminum chassis helps to keep the transceiver cool and provides durable long-lasting construction.

Optional digital unit, UT-118
The optional UT-118 provides digitally modulated and demodulated clear voice and data communication at 4.8kbps. Store up to 6 of your own callsigns, and up to 6 more from other stations. Or instead of recording a callsign, record any message of up to 20 characters. You may then make a call by sending one of your callsigns or a recorded CQ message. The digital callsign squelch allows you to choose an incoming call selected by the callsign. When connected to an external GPS receiver*, position information may be exchanged with other stations.
* NMEA 0183 output and RS-232C interface are required.

Simple operation
The IC-2200H retains a familiar user interface to the IC-2100H. The large tuning dial provides easy access to active channels even without looking at the front panel. Secondary functions are easily recalled by holding the appropriate button.

Dynamic Memory Scan (DMS)
With a total of 207 alphanumeric memory channels, Icom’s exclusive DMS system allows you to scan selected memory banks by simply adding and deleting bank links.

CTCSS and DTCS operation standard
The IC-2200H contains 50 CTCSS and 104×2 DTCS encode/decode plus tone scan functions. The “pocket beep” feature gives you an audible and visual indicator of an incoming call.

And more…
24 DTMFautodial memories
DTMFcode squelch and pager function with optional DTMF decoder, UT-108
Weather channel with weather alert function
FM narrow mode switchable
Selectable squelch delay
Built-in 10dB squelch attenuator 

This information is taken directly off of the Icom IC-2200H brochure.

Frequency range :
Transmit range 144–148 MHz
Receiver range 118–174* MHz
* Guaranteed range 144-148MHz
Mode : FM, AM(Rx only)
Number of memory ch. : 207 (incl., 6 scan edges, 1 call Ch.)
Antenna connector : SO-239 (50 ohm)
Power supply requirement : 13.8 V DC ±15% (negative ground)
Frequency stability : ±10 ppm –10°C to +60°C
Current drain :
Tx at 65 W: 15 A
Rx Standby: 0.8 A
Max. audio: 1.0 A
Usable temp. range : –10°C to +60°C; +14°F to +140°F
Dimensions (projections not included) :
140(W) × 40(H) × 196(D) mm;
5 1/2(W) × 1 9/16(H) × 7 3/4(D) in
Weight : 1.25 kg; 2.75 lb

Output power (*approx.) : 65, 25*, 10*, 5* W selectable
Maximum frequency deviation (wide/narrow) : ±5.0 / ±2.5kHz
Spurious emission : Less than –70 dB
Microphone connector : 8-pin modular (600 ohm)

Receive system :
Double-conversion superheterodyne system
Intermediate frequencies :
1st 21.7 MHz
2nd 450 kHz
Receive Sensitivity (at 12dB SINAD) : 0.133µV typical
Squelch sensitivity : 0.100µV typical (threshold)
Selectivity (wide/narrow) :
More than 6/3 kHz at -6dB
Less than 14/9 kHz at -60 dB
Spurious and image rejection ratio : More than 60dBc typical
Audio output power (at 13.8 V DC) : More than 2.4W at 10% distortion with an 8 ohm speaker
Ext SP connector : 3-connector 3.5 (d) mm (1/8″)
YAESU FT-1802M VHF Mobile 50 W
50 Watts of Power Output
The FT-1802M provides a hefty 50 Watts of power otput, with “low power” settings of 25, 10, and 5 Watts, for situations where full power is not required.

Extended Receiver Coverage
The FT-1802M provides receiver coverage of 136-174 MHz, so you can listen in on a wide variety of commercial, military, public safety, and marine communications.

Illuminated Microphone with Keyboard Frequency Entry
The supplied MH-48a6j DTMF Microphone is illuminated for eas of nighttime use, and you may enter operating frequencies directly from the keypad. What’s more, memory channels may also be recalled directly via the keypad.

221 Memory channels with Alpha-numeric Labeling

The FT-1802M’s extensive memory system includes 200 regular memories, ten pairs of band-limit memories, and a one-touch “Home” channel. Memory channels store repeater offset information, as well as CTCSS or DCS data, and can have a six-character label appended, for quick channel recognition. And the memories may be allocated into as many as eight memory banks, for more efficient scanning.

Dedicated 10-channel NOAA Weather Broadcast Channel Bank (U.S. version)

Included in the FT-1802M is a dedicated, quick-access memory bank that contains the ten standard NOAA Weather Information Channels, so you can keep track of weather conditions expected for your area.

Programmable “Soft” Keys
Four user-programmable “soft” keys are provided on the MH-48a6j microphone, allowing you to bring often-used Menu items, or front panel key functions, to your fingertips.

Built-in CTCSS and DCS Encoder/Decoder Circuits

The FT-1802M includes both CTCSS and DCS Encoder/Decoder circuitry, with Reverse CTCSS Decoding also available, to mute your receiver when a particular tone is received (instead of opening your squelch). And you can encode CTCSS and decode DCS, or vice versa, too, if your application requires it.

Adjustable Mic Gain and Wide/Narrow Deviation and RX Bandwidth
The microphone gain for the FT-1802M’s transmitter is adjustable, so you can optimize it for your voice level as well as background noise in your operating location. And for operation in crowded channel environments, the TX deviation and RX bandwidth may both be reduced via the Menu.

Automatic Repeater Shift (ARS), Automatic Power-Off (APO), and BCLO (Busy Channel Lock-Out)

ARS: Automatically selects the typical repeater shift used in your country, based on the current operating frequency. APO: Automatically turns power off after a user-defined time period, to prevent you from running down your car battery if you forget to turn your rig off. BCLO: Prevents you from transmitting on an occupied frequency (especially valuable during Tone Squelch or DCS operation).

CW Trainer
You can practice your Morse Code recognition, using this novel trainer that sends you five-character code groups, with variable speed and instant feedback as to the correct characters sent to you.

Security Password to Prevent Unauthorized Use
A defeatable (by the owner) Security Password system is provided for the FT-1802M, so you can limit operational access to yourself and any other users (if any) informed of the password for the transceiver.

Easy Access to YAESU’s Renowned WiRES-II™ Internet Linking Nodes

A front panel key provides instant access to WiRES-II nodes

Sumber: http://www.radiokomunikasi.info