Selasa, 22 Januari 2013


Begitu santernya kabar tentang akan diubahnya beberapa ketentuan Pelaksanaan UN Tahun 2013 telah membuat banyak pihak penasaran dan berburu informasi tentang POS (Prosedur Operasional Standar) UN 2013. Dan informasi yang saya temukan dibeberapa situs di internet bahwa POS UN 2013 masih berbentuk Draft.
Walaupun masih dalam bentuk draft ternyata sudah dilakukan sosialisasi di beberapa Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi. Dalam draft POS UN 2013 tersebut ada beberapa perubahan dalam penyelanggaraan UN 2013 :
  1. Penyatuan pelaksanaan UN sekolah dengan UN Pendidikan Kesetaraan

  2. Mengakomodasi sekolah penyelenggara sistem program akselarasi dan sistem kredit semester

  3. Soal menjadi 20 paket pada setiap ruangan

  4. Kesulitan soal ditingkatkan

  5. Peningkatan peran perguruan tinggi dalam pelaksanaan UN SMA/MA/SMK/Program Paket C
Untuk Materi Sosialisasi Draft POS UN 2013 ini  bisa dibaca disini

Demikian, semoga bermanfaat.

Sumber dari

Minggu, 20 Januari 2013

12 Free Registry Cleaners


A List of the Best Freeware Registry Cleaner and Registry Repair Software

By , Guide
Updated January 2013

Registry cleaners are software programs that remove unnecessary entries from the Windows Registry.
Registry cleaners are especially useful for removing registry entries that point to files that no longer exist.
Note: I've only included freeware registry cleaner programs in this list - in other words, only completely free registry cleaners. Any registry cleaner program that charges a fee of any kind (e.g. shareware, trialware) will not be included here. If a free registry cleaner has started to charge and I haven't removed it yet, please let me know.
Important: Free registry cleaners should only be used to troubleshoot specific issues, NOT as part of your regular PC maintenance. See my Registry Cleaner FAQ for more about registry cleaning and registry cleaner software.

1. CCleaner

Screenshot of CCleaner v3.26.1888 in Windows 7
CCleaner is the best free registry cleaner program I've tested. It's easy to use, prompts you backup the registry before it makes changes, and includes a number of other useful tools.
The CCleaner registry cleaner work on Windows 8, 7, Vista, XP, Server 2008/2003, and older Windows versions like 2000, NT, ME and 98. 64-bit Windows versions are also supported.
Piriform provides both installable and portable versions of their free registry cleaner.
If you're set on using an automated tool to fix an issue you have that's caused by a registry problem, I highly recommend you use Piriform's CCleaner freeware registry cleaner tool.
I tested CCleaner v3.26.1888 using both their portable and installable versions on a 64-bit version of Windows 7.

2. JetClean

Screenshot of JetClean v1.4.0 Registry Cleaner in Windows 7
JetClean, a free registry cleaner by BlueSprig, isn't one I see mentioned a lot but I found it to be very well done.
The JetClean registry cleaner supports both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, and Windows 2000.
JetClean scanned the entire registry in just a few seconds, has a well designed interface, and didn't try to push some unnecessary browser toolbar on me during installation.
There were twp things I didn't like about JetClean. One: It isn't available in a portable version. Two: The number of cookies that JetClean considers keepable, by default, is a bit excessive.
I tested JetClean v1.4.0 in Windows 7.

3. Wise Registry Cleaner

Screenshot of Wise Registry Cleaner v7.31.469 Registry Cleaner
Wise Registry Cleaner comes in very close to the other top rated registry fix tools. ZhiQing Soft has put together a fantastic free registry cleaner program.
Wise Registry Cleaner comes in both installable and portable versions and can be used on Windows 7, all the way back through Windows 98. 64-bit Windows versions are supported.
Some big pluses for Wise's free registry cleaner include fast registry scans and a clear separation between normal issues and those that are "unsafe," a feature I loved.
I don't like the fact that Wise Registry Cleaner pushes for a download of Wise Disk Cleaner during installation but it's easy to skip.
I tested the installable version of Wise Registry Cleaner v7.31.469 in Windows 7.

4. Auslogics Registry Cleaner

Screenshot of Auslogics Registry Cleaner v2.3.0.5 Registry Cleaner
Auslogics Registry Cleaner is another great registry cleaner program - it's probably one of the easiest registry cleaners to use out of all the tools I've tested.
Auslogics Registry Cleaner is compatible with Windows 7, Server 2008 & 2003, Vista, XP, and 2000. Both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows are supported.
My favorite feature of Auslogics Registry Cleaner is the colored severity rating for each category of registry area that the program finds that needs attention. This makes it really easy to figure out what might be having an impact on your computer.
If the two higher rated registry repair tools in my list don't give you the results you were looking for, give Auslogics Registry Cleaner a try.
I tested Auslogics Registry Cleaner v2.3.0.5 in Windows 7.
Note: During installation, Auslogics Registry Cleaner tries to install a browser toolbar and make changes to your browser's home page and new tabs page. Be sure to uncheck those options if you're not interested.

5. Advanced SystemCare Free

Screenshot of Advanced SystemCare Free v5.3.0.246 Registry Cleaner
Advanced SystemCare Free from IObit is another excellent free registry cleaner program. Advanced SystemCare Free is very easy to use, has an excellent interface, and includes several other "system care" capabilities, including the ability to remove some malware, clean junk files, and more.
Advanced SystemCare Free works in Windows 8, 7, Vista, XP, and 2000. According to IObit, both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows are supported.
I tested the registry fixing abilities of Advanced SystemCare Free v5.3.0.246 in Windows 7.
Note: Advanced SystemCare Free tries to install a custom browser toolbar during its setup but it's easy to decline if you so choose.


6. Registry Repair

Screenshot of Glarysoft Registry Repair v4.1.0.388 Registry Cleaner
Glarysoft's Registry Repair is another good freeware registry cleaner. Registry Repair is pretty simple to use and is a good option if some of the better tools aren't working out for you.
Registry Repair works in Windows 7, Vista, XP, Server 2003, and older Windows operating systems like Windows 2000, NT, ME and 98.
I tested Glarysoft's Registry Repair v4.1.0.388 in Windows 7.
Note: After the installation of Registry Repair, you're asked if you'd like to run the program (this is typical) but you're also asked if you'd like to set "Glary Search" as your browser's homepage. Be sure to uncheck that if you're not interested.


7. EasyCleaner

Screenshot of EasyCleaner v2.0.6.380 Registry Cleaner
EasyCleaner is one of the oldest and most trusted free registry cleaners out there. The interface is a bit dated but it's a solid registry repair tool.
The ToniArts website says that EasyCleaner works in Windows 7, Vista, XP, 2000, NT, ME, 98, and 95. Both installer and portable versions of this registry cleaner are available.
EasyCleaner took considerably longer than other registry cleaners to scan my registry but it did a fine job overall. I also liked how I wasn't asked to install a completely unrelated and useless browser toolbar during the install!
I tested the installable version of EasyCleaner v2.0.6.380 in Windows 7.


8. Comodo System Utilities

Screeenshot of Comodo System Utilities v4.0.226743.26 Registry Cleaner
Comodo System Utilities is yet another good freeware registry cleaner program. It's simple to use and scanned the registry in a reasonable amount of time.
The Comodo System Utilities tool is designed for Windows 7, Vista, Server 2003, and XP. It works on both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows.
I tested Comodo System Utilities v4.0.226743.26 in Windows 7. There are several other features in this "utility" but I only looked at the registry cleaning portion.
I'm usually a big fan of Comodo products and Comodo System Utilities delivered on my exceptions. I especially liked a seemingly tiny feature: the ability to automatically create a restore point prior to clearing the registry. That could really come in handy if you run into a problem post-cleaning.

9. Eusing Free Registry Cleaner

Screenshot of Eusing Free Registry Cleaner v2.8.1 Registry Cleaner
Eusing Free Registry Cleaner is another free registry cleaner. I frequently see references to this particular registry cleaner on other "top" lists but I didn't find anything spectacular about it.
Eusing Software says that their free registry cleaner works on Windows 7, Vista, Server 2003, XP, 2000, NT, ME, 98, and 95. Portable and installable versions are available.
I tested the installable version of Eusing Free Registry Cleaner v2.8.1 in Windows 7.
Tip: Remember, a registry cleaner program is not a regular PC maintenance tool. Registry cleaners don't typically speed up your computer or provide any other day-to-day improvements to your PC. Registry cleaners should only be used to help solve specific kinds of problems.


10. Cleanersoft Free Registry Fix

Screenshot of Cleanersoft Free Registry Fix v1.8 Registry Cleaner
Cleanersoft Free Registry Fix is suspiciously similar to Eusing Free Registry Cleaner. That said, I'm not sure which freeware registry cleaner came first. The only reason I rank Cleanersoft's Free Registry Fix lower than Eusing Free Registry Cleaner is because this program took a very long time to scan the registry.
Cleanersoft Software says that their Free Registry Fix program works on Windows 7, Vista, Server 2003, XP, 2000, NT, ME, 98, and 95.
Of all the free registry cleaners that I tested, Cleanersoft Free Registry Fix found the largest number of registry entries that needed "repaired" but that doesn't necessarily mean it's the best program.
I tested Cleanersoft Free Registry Fix v1.8 on Windows 7 and didn't have any problems.


11. Free Window Registry Repair

Screenshot of Free Window Registry Repair v2.7 Registry Cleaner
Free Window Registry Repair reminds me a lot of Eusing Free Registry Cleaner and Cleanersoft Free Registry Fix and so my assessment is similar. Try this registry cleaner if you need to, skip it and try a better one if you don't.
RegSofts Software's website says Free Window Registry Repair is compatible with Windows 7, Vista, XP, and 2000, NT, ME and 98.
Registry scan time with Free Window Registry Repair was longer that with some of the higher rated registry cleaners but overall it looks like a decent tool.
I tested Free Window Registry Repair in Windows 7.


12. Little Registry Cleaner

Screenshot of Little Registry Cleaner v1.4.2 Registry Cleaner
Little Registry Cleaner seems to be as good a registry cleaner as any other in this area of my list. I do like that it's an open source program.
Little Registry Cleaner is an open source registry cleaner that works on Windows 7, Vista, XP, and 2000 - on both 32-bit and 64-bit versions. Installable and portable versions are available.
One particular high point? As soon as the installation begins, Little Registry Cleaner says this: "This program is freeware. If you paid for a copy o this program, get a refund!" That's pretty clear: this is a completely free registry cleaner.
Note: During installation, you're prompted to agree to install a browser toolbar, an ASPCA add-on, and to change your default browser search provider and homepage to another. Just uncheck those options and decline the toolbar and add-on installations.
I last tested the installable version of Little Registry Cleaner v1.4.2 in Windows 7.
Update: As of Little Registry Cleaner v1.5.1, the program does not work due to an issue reading the latest version of .NET Framework 4.0. This is probably an easy fix and may be corrected in a future update but for now, since it won't start, I can't recommend this registry cleaner.


Know of Another Free Registry Cleaner?

I've tried to list every freeware registry cleaner available in this list but if I missed one, let me know so I can add it!
Important: I will not, under any circumstances, include registry cleaners in this list that are not 100% free. In other words, I will only include freeware registry cleaners - NO shareware and NO trialware registry cleaners.
Be sure to to let me know if one of the freeware registry cleaners above has started charging users so I can remove it from this list.

Senin, 14 Januari 2013

Kisi-kisi UKK Teori dan Praktek Tahun Pelajaran 2012-2013

Kisi-kisi UKK Teori dan Praktek Tahun Pelajaran 2012-2013
Untuk bapak/ibu, kisi-kisi ukk Tahun Pelajaran 2012/2013 sudah bisa di download di 
Selengkapnya bisa dilihat pada tampilan berikut ini: 

Index of /download/Kisi-kisi Uji Kompetensi Kejuruan

Sumber: Situs DitPSMK

Selasa, 11 Desember 2012

Popularitas Lagu Anak Indonesia di YouTube

Sejak setahun yang lalu, saya mengupload sebanyak 44 Video Lagu Anak Indonesia ke YouTube. Tujuannya untuk membantu (share) pada pengguna YouTube khususnya di Indonesia yang peduli untuk membiasakan anak-anak Indonesia menyanyikan lagu-lagu yang pantas untuk usia anak-anak.

(Lagu Anak Indonesia - Pelangi)
Dari sekitar 390 ribu yang melihat video yang saya upload, ternyata hanya 5 (lima) video Lagu Anak Indonesia yang paling banyak dilihat... berikut urutannya:
1. Pelangi (dilihat oleh 140.713 orang atau 35,87%)
2. Potong Bebek Angsa (dilihat oleh 57.210 orang atau 14,58%)
3. Tukang Bakso (dilihat oleh 50.559 orang atau 12,89%)
4. Naik Kereta Api (dilihat oleh 47.850 orang atau 12,20%)
5. Sayonara (Gelang Sipaku Gelang) (dilihat oleh 18.775 orang atau 4,79%)

Berikut ini rincian selengkapnya...

No Judul Video (Lagu) Jml yg lihat %
1 Lagu anak Indonesia - Pelangi.FLV 140713 35,87
2 Lagu anak Indonesia - Potong Bebek Angsa.FLV 57210 14,58
3 Lagu anak Indonesia - Tukang Bakso.FLV 50559 12,89
4 Lagu anak Indonesia - Naik Kereta Api.FLV 47850 12,20
5 Lagu anak Indonesia - Sayonara (Gelang Sipaku Gelang).FLV 18775 4,79
6 Lagu anak Indonesia - Dua Mata Saya.FLV 9154 2,33
7 Lagu anak Indonesia - Cit Cit Cuit.FLV 7676 1,96
8 Lagu anak Indonesia - Pepaya Mangga Pisang Jambu.FLV 7572 1,93
9 Lagu anak Indonesia - Naik-naik Kepuncak Gunung.FLV 6061 1,55
10 Lagu anak Indonesia - Happy Birthday to You.FLV 5296 1,35
11 Lagu anak Indonesia - Indonesia Raya.FLV 5254 1,34
12 Lagu anak Indonesia - Si Kancil Anak Nakal.FLV 3796 0,97
13 Lagu anak Indonesia - Selamat Ulang Tahun.FLV 2478 0,63
14 Lagu anak Indonesia - Bintang Kecil.FLV 2470 0,63
15 Lagu anak Indonesia - Si Komo Lewat Tol.FLV 2360 0,60
16 Lagu anak Indonesia - Disini Senang Disana Senang.flv 2313 0,59
17 Lagu anak Indonesia - Topi Saya Bundar.FLV 2167 0,55
18 Lagu anak Indonesia - Bangun Tidur.FLV 1860 0,47
19 Lagu anak Indonesia - Di Obok Obok.FLV 1766 0,45
20 Lagu anak Indonesia - Ambilkan Bulan Bu 1763 0,45
21 Lagu anak Indonesia - Tik Tik Bunyi Hujan.FLV 1709 0,44
22 Lagu anak Indonesia - Cicak Di Dinding.FLV 1474 0,38
23 Lagu anak Indonesia - Si Nyamuk Nakal.FLV 1166 0,30
24 Lagu anak Indonesia - Kasih Ibu.FLV 1010 0,26
25 Lagu anak Indonesia - Pok Ami-Ami.FLV 871 0,22
26 Lagu anak Indonesia - Si Jago Mogok.FLV 823 0,21
27 Lagu anak Indonesia - Si Meong.FLV 779 0,20
28 Lagu anak Indonesia - HELLY... GUK..GUK..GUK.flv 777 0,20
29 Lagu anak Indonesia - Medley (Campuran).FLV 674 0,17
30 Lagu anak Indonesia - Burung Kakak Tua.FLV 644 0,16
31 Lagu anak Indonesia - Idola Cilik.FLV 642 0,16
32 Lagu anak Indonesia - Lihat Kebunku.FLV 541 0,14
33 Lagu anak Indonesia - Sepatu Kaca.FLV 536 0,14
34 Lagu anak Indonesia - Kebun Ku.FLV 449 0,11
35 Lagu anak Indonesia - Kapal Terbang.FLV 415 0,11
36 Lagu anak Indonesia - Semua Ada Disini.FLV 362 0,09
37 Lagu anak Indonesia - Gembala Sapi.FLV 361 0,09
38 Lagu anak Indonesia - Bis Sekolah.FLV 350 0,09
39 Lagu anak Indonesia - Kupu-kupu Yang Lucu.FLV 342 0,09
40 Lagu anak Indonesia - 1_ 2_ 3_ 4.FLV 328 0,08
41 Lagu anak Indonesia - 4 Sehat 5  278 0,07
42 Lagu anak Indonesia - Naik Delman.FLV 241 0,06
43 Lagu anak Indonesia - Kelinciku.FLV 232 0,06
44 Lagu anak Indonesia Aku Cinta Rupiah 188 0,05
Jumlah Total yang melihat 392285