OR Gate
OR gates are basic logic gates, and are available in TTL and CMOS ICs logic families. The standard 4000 series CMOS IC is the 4071, which includes four independent two-input OR gates.
Tentang Elektronika : Teori Komponen, Alat/Bahan Praktek, Aneka Rangkaian, PCB, Penyolderan, Perakitan, Instalasi, Troubleshooting, Perbaikan Rangkaian, Craft Unik dan Hobi Elektronika
OR Gate
OR gates are basic logic gates, and are available in TTL and CMOS ICs logic families. The standard 4000 series CMOS IC is the 4071, which includes four independent two-input OR gates.
AND Gate
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Water pump for home, domestic use, offices or warehouses, pressurizers and systems to raise water to water tanks, irrigation, submersible well or plastic water storage tanks.
In many areas, a residential water pump is needed in the home to provide a constant flow for domestic use. Whether you need good pressure for a shower, getting water from a borehole or even watering the lawn, a home water pump can make it happen. But with so many types of domestic water pumps available, it can be difficult to decide which one will be the best water pump for your needs.
The type of pump you go with depends on where your water supply will come from and what type of output you need. These are the main types of water pumps:
These can be completely submerged in water from a deep or open well, to draw water to a storage point in a cistern or cistern.
These are used to move water where water yield is lower and can be used even in areas of loose soil.
Similar to centrifugal pumps, they are also used to lift water, but do not require priming. They can be used to lift water from a ground tank to a tank located at a higher elevation.
They provide a steady, strong flow of water with the water coming from underground. Depending on the depth, you can get a centrifugal deep well jet or a shallow well jet pump. These pumps can lift water from more than 25 feet deep.
These pumps are used to circulate hot or cold water within the home. They are usually installed with a water heater to supply hot water to different parts of the house.
When a pressurized flow of water is required, for example, in gardens or bathrooms, this type of pump is used.
Once you have decided on the type of pump you want to buy, you will need to look at the specifications. This is an equally important part, as your home water pump must be able to get a sufficient amount of water at the pressure you need. Here are some of the specifications you should look out for and what they mean:
Discharge rate: also known as flow rate, this is measured in liters per minute (LPM). This will be the amount of water that is pumped within a specific time. The higher it is, the faster it pumps. A range of 100-200 LPM is usually sufficient for a home.
Head range: here the head refers to the discharge height, the vertical distance at which it will pump the water. The head range must be within this distance for the water pump to pump water effectively. This is measured in meters (m).
Power: This is the amount of electrical power the pump will consume when in use and can be measured in kilowatts (kW) and horsepower (HP). This varies from 0.5 to 1.5 HP for most pumps, with some such as the in-line circulating pump requiring as little as 0.16 HP. This will vary depending on the other pump specifications, but generally as the amount of water pumped and the load range increases, so does the horsepower.
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